Résonateur Cosmique / Cosmic Resonator, 2016
Erin Sexton
Alexander Wilson
The smallest possible thing in the universe is described as the Planck length ( ? P ), equal to 1.616199(97)×10 ?35 metres. Many orders of magnitude beyond what our technology can measure, the Planck scale is the lower limit of the smallness of things, where reality froths into quantum foam. With this as a starting point, Sexton and Wilson attempt to transpose the intangible into direct experience.
The work investigates the possibility of a loop between the big and the small, establishing resonance across scales, between the quantum and classical worlds. Everyday objects are diffracted and superposed. Universal potentials collapse upon the mundane. Quantum randomness is filtered through resonant structures made from uncertain materials. Its factual presence in this space decides between infinite possibilities, and space-time as a whole pivots on this one contingent moment.
exhibited June – July 2016 at Sporobole in Sherbrooke, Québec
merci à C.A.L.Q, C.A.C, et Sporobole