Erin Sexton (b. 1982) is a Canadian artist and radio amateur based in a dome in the forest near Oslo. Her sculptures and installations involve found objects, hidden forces, sci-fi narratives, everyday materials, and MacGyver-esque techniques. Psychedelic and emancipatory, her work explores alternate paradigms, strange topologies, soft apocalyptics, and metaphysical technologies. She tries to dissolve boundaries and subvert hierarchies, often using humour as a tactic.

Erin Sexton (f. 1982) er en kanadisk kunstner og radioamatør basert i en dome i skogen nær Oslo. Installasjonene og skulpturene hennes involverer funnede objekter, skjulte krefter, sci-fi-narrativer, hverdagsmaterialer og MacGyver-aktige teknikker. På psykedelisk og frigjørende vis utforsker hennes praksis alternative paradigmer, underlig topologi, myk apokalyptikk og metafysisk teknologi. Hun prøver å løse opp grenser og undergrave hierarkier, og bruker ofte humor som taktikk.

Erin Sexton (née en 1982) est une artiste et radioamateur canadienne basée dans un dôme dans la forêt près d’Oslo. Ses sculptures et installations impliquent objets trouvés, forces cachées, récits de science-fiction, matériaux du quotidien et techniques à la MacGyver. Psychédélique et émancipatrice, son travail explore paradigmes alternatifs, topologies étranges, apocalypses douces et technologies métaphysiques. Elle essaie de dissoudre les frontières et de renverser les hiérarchies, en utilisant souvent l’humour comme tactique.

email: contact<at>
insta:  @erin.sexton


2015 – 2017 Bergen Art Academy – Department of Contemporary Art, Master of Fine Arts, Bergen, Norway
2004 – 2006 Concordia University, BFA with distinction, Interdisciplinary Studies, Fine Arts, Montréal, Canada
2001 – 2004 Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Integrated Media, Vancouver, Canada

solo exhibitions
2023   Plans de Contingence (Contingency Plans), Le Lieu, Québec, Canada
2023   Contingency Planning, w/ Yohei Hamada, Galleri Memphis på Pentadomen, Hakadal, Norge
2021   Psychic technology, Hošek Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
2020   Contingency Planning, w/ Yohei Hamada, Kurant visningsrom, Tromsø, Norway (presented online due to pandemic)
2019   Contingency Planning, w/ Yohei Hamada, BEK, Bergen, Norway
2019   Harnessing, Prosjektrom C4, Bergen, Norway
2018   Jump Point, Rom 61, UiB KMD, Bergen, Norway
2018   Hyperdimensional Variations III, RAKE visningsrom, Trondheim, Norway
2017   NOÖSPHERE, Lydgalleriet, Bergen, Norway
2017   Hyperdimensional Variations II, Galerie Rezdechaussée, Bordeaux, France
2017   CONTACT, Galleri Bokboden, Bergen, Norway
2016   Résonateur Cosmique, w/ Alexander Wilson, Sporobole, Sherbrooke, Canada
2016   Inside the Out, Destroy Vancouver XVII, VIVO Media Arts Centre, Vancouver, Canada
2015   Until it is struck, Eastern Bloc, Montréal, Canada
2013   Crystalline Domain, Third Space Gallery, Saint John, Canada
2007   Aircraft! vs Total Music, w/ Alain Lefevbre, DGC Gallery, Montréal, Canada

group shows
2022   Fascist flayer, Vestlandsutstillingen Monuments, Kunstmuseet Kube, Ålesund; Sunnfjord Kunstlag, Førde; Haugesund Billedgalleri, Haugesund; Kunsthall Stavanger, Stavanger; Kunsthuset Kabuso, Øystese; Kunstgarasjen, Bergen, Norge
2021   De stabler steiner i bue og krysser fingre, ROM for kunst og arkitektur, Oslo, Norway
2019   Crystalline Domain, Vitalist Materialism, Hop Projects, Folkestone, UK
2018   Portals, Ludacrium (Is It A Game?), Kreutzberg Pavillon, Berlin, Germany
2018   Entities, NOÖSPHERICS, Lydgalleriet / ØSTRE, Bergen, Norway
2017   LA1B test, Sonic Arcade: Shaping Space with Sound, Radius, Museum of Arts and Design, New York, USA
2017   3 x 2, Spirit Guide to Low Tech, AKA Gallery / Paved Arts / The Storefront, Saskatoon, Canada
2017   Triage, Master’s Exhibition, Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, Norway
2016   Hyperdimensional Variations I, Poekhali! Landmark, Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, Norway
2016   Something that could easily be mistaken for nothing, Kreuzberg Pavillon, Fall Apartment, Bergen, Norway
2016   Never Say Die, RIFT, Bergen Kjøtt, Bergen, Norway
2016   The chemicals talk, Resonant Structures, Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery, Stony Brook, USA; Babycastles Gallery, New York, USA
2015   The chemicals talk, PIKSEL15, S12 Galleri, Bergen, Norway
2015   Spectral Resonance, Systemic Sampling, Stream Gallery, New York, USA
2014   Crystalline Domain, Biennale Internationale d’Art Numérique, Eastern Bloc, Montréal, Canada
2013   Electromagnetic Medium, Voices From Beyond: The EVP Project, Montréal, Canada; Send + Receive, Winnipeg, Canada
2013   Untitled (salt, water, electronics), MuseRuole, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Bolzano, Italy
2008   Ostinato 20 + 28, Le Son a des Jambes, SAT Galerie, Montréal, Canada
2007   Shot, Feminine Products, My Hero Gallery, Montréal, Canada

2020   Regnbuens Dimensjoner, public sculpture for Midtun skole / Bergen kommune, Norway
2019   Expédition, Dialogues avec Chantal Dumas, Avatar, Quebec City, Canada
2018   For MS (Michael Snow), Amplification: 10 Year Anniversary Exhibition, Eastern Bloc, Montréal, Canada
2014   Elementary Structures, w/ Magali Babin, Fountain House, Raumlabor Berlin/Goethe Institute, Montréal, Canada
2014   For MA (Maryanne Amacher), Musicworks Magazine, Toronto, Canada
2013   Space II, Volume: Hear Here, curator Christof Migone, Blackwood Gallery, Toronto, Canada
2008   Amiga, switch, feedback, Je Me Souviens 4, curator Eric Mattson, La Sala Rosa, Montréal, Canada

selected solo performances
2019   7.058 Mhz, Blue Rinse, Lydgalleriet, Bergen, Norway
2016   Electromagnetic Dimension, Borealis Festival, Bergen, Norway
2015   Electromagnetic Dimension, STWST48, Linz, Austria; Sight + Sound festival, Eastern Bloc, Montreal, Canada
2014   Phase Space, Goldsmiths University + Hundred Years Gallery, London, UK; Piksel14, Bergen, Norway; Opekta, Köln, Germany; Logos Foundation, Ghent, Belgium; Echoraum, Vienna, Austria; Send + Receive festival, Actual Gallery, Winnipeg, Canada; Electric Eclectics festival, Meaford, Canada; Manif d’Art 7, Québec, Canada; Deep Wireless Festival, New Adventures In Sound Art, Toronto, Canada; Sight + Sound, Eastern Bloc, Montréal, Canada
2013   L’Espace, Cristaux, Électroniques, Feedback, Le Lobe, Chicoutimi, Canada
2012   Other dimensions VIII, Sounds in a Room, Victoria, Canada
2012   Dimensional Refractions, Ende Tymes Festival, Outpost Artist Resources, New York, USA
2011   Other dimensions IV – VII, AKA Gallery, Saskatoon, Canada; Knot Gallery, Athens, Greece; Arteleku, Donostia, Spain; Sucked Orange Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2010   Other dimensions II, Send + Receive v.12, Urban Shaman, Winnipeg, Canada
2007   Very, New Forms Festival, Scotiabank Dance Center, Vancouver, Canada
2006   Oscillators, shortwave, bass feedback, Nuit Blanche, Gallerie B312, Montréal, Canada

selected performance collaborations
2023   23 : 23, PAF Summer University closing ritual, w/ L EXP Berlin, St-Erme, France
2022   BORGE MED HOPF, transmission ritual feat. Eirik Storesund with a Mist Rebuttal DJ set, Oslo, Norway
2016   Disnovation / Drone 2000, w/ Nicolas Maigret, transmediale, HKW, Berlin, Germany
2014   Duo w/ Katherine Liberovskaya, Optosonic Tea, Silent Barn, New York, USA
2013   Mouvements, FÜNF, Akousma X, Usine C, Montréal, Canada
2012   Ænth, w/ Alexander Wilson, VIVO, Vancouver, Canada
2011   Duo w/ Seiji Morimoto, Experimontag, Madame Claude, Berlin, Germany
2011   Ænth, w/ Alexander Wilson, No Central, Athens, Greece; Platform for Performance Artists, Flutgraben, Berlin, Germany
2011   FÜNF, Travaux Electroniques Feminins, Conservatoire de Musique du Québec, Montréal, Canada
2010   Duo w/ Magali Babin, w/, Share, Issue Project Room, New York, USA
2009   Solo and duos w/ Steve Bates + Katherine Kline, Mutek 10, Monument National Theatre, Montréal, Canada
2008   Duo w/ Emilie Mouchous, Bent Festival, DCTV/The Tank, New York, USA

publications + catalogs
2018   NOÖSPHERICS, artist book, Topos Bokforlag, Bergen, Norway
2017   Making Contact, Erin Sexton, NRRL Amatør Radio Magazine, No. 1 – January 2017, p. 14 – 15
2016   Sound Art: Sound as a Medium of Art, Peter Weibel, Canadasonic, essay by Christof Migone, ZKM / MIT Press
2016   Resonant Structures, catalog, Perceptual Limits, essay by Flannery Cunningham, Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery, NY
2015   Volumes, Book + Vinyl, Christof Migone, Martin Arnold, Blackwood / Mackenzie / SBC Galleries, Canada
2015   Systemic Sampling, catalog, Stream Gallery, New York, USA

selected press
2020   Wearable sculptures and speculative cosmology, Emelie Ieremia,, interview, April 27
2020   Plan B, Nicholas Norton,, Kritikk, March 23
2020   Kunst i andres kanaler, Ragnhild Aamås,, Nyhet, March 20
2019   De beste kunstopplevelsene i Bergen denne uken, Vilde Rolfsnes,, Sept 9
2019   Det beste på kunstfronten i Bergen denne uken, Nora Forsbak Håskjold,, Sept 2
2019   Best i Bergen akkurat nå, Ingrid Tellefsen Relling,, May 2
2018   Hyperboreans in Hyperspace: Postcards from the Noöspherics Conference in Bergen, Eirik Storesund,, June 4
2015   La Nature en DIY / The Nature of DIY, Esther Bourdages, ETCMEDIA 105, p. 56 – 69
2015   Sonic Encounters: In Conversation with Sound Artist Erin Sexton, Deanna Radford, Herizons Vol. 29 No. 2, p. 40 – 42
2014   Erin Sexton tunes in to the eternal music of matter, Deanna Radford, Musicworks #119, p. 28 – 31
2013   Sight & Sound’s digital self-reflexivity, Juan Camilo Velasquez, The McGill Daily, May 27, p. 1 – 6

2014   Music in the Brain Research Group, Centre of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN), Aarhus, Denmark
2014   Art Now Series w/ Christof Migone, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
2014   Deep Wireless Festival, New Adventures In Sound Art, Toronto, Canada
2012   Crystalline Domain, Studio XX, Montréal, Canada
2010   Real-Time-Space, Excavation Sonore series, Avatar, Québec, Canada

2020   Contingency Planning, w/ Yohei Hamada, Kurant visningsrom / Kunstakademiet i Tromsø, Norway
2019   Contingency Planning, w/ Yohei Hamada, BEK, Bergen, Norway
2015   lumière sonore, w/ Magali Babin + Productions Supermusique, Eureka! Festival, Montréal, Canada
2014   electrochemical improvisation: experiments with electronics, sound, and crystallization, presented at: Eastern Bloc, Montréal, Canada; Bauhaus University, Faculty of Media Arts, Weimar, Germany; PIKSEL14, Bergen Kjøtt, Bergen, Norway; ?IPke, RAMPA Lab, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2015   Galerie Pache 100, digital album compilation, duo w/ Érick D’Orion, Galerie Pache, Paris, France
2014   FÜNF, la règle, CD, DAME / Ambiances Magnétiques, Montréal, Québec
2013   An Anthology of Noise & Electronic Music #7, 1930 – 2012, CD compilation, Sub Rosa, Brussels, Belgium
2012   Compilado Sonoro Ursonate Vol. 2, 2 CDr compilation, limited edition, Ursonate Magazine, Madrid, Spain
2011   Horizon, double CD, w/ Magali Babin, Martin Tétreault, Érick d’Orion, Hélène Prévost, les encodage de l’oubli
2008   Ostinato 20 + 28, CDr compilation, limited edition, ORAL
2004   Aircraft, CDr, independent

grants + awards
2023   SKS Arbeidsstipend, Prosjektstøtte, Kulturdirektoratet, Norge
2021   SKS Arbeidsstipend, Kulturrådet, Norway
2020   Stipend, Norske Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond, Norway
2019   Utstillingsstøtte til kunstnere i etableringsfasen, Kulturrådet, Norway
2019   Profesjonelle kunst- og kulturtiltak, Tverrfaglig prosjekt, Bergen Kommune, Norway
2018   SKS Arbeidsstipend for yngre nyetablerte kunstnere, Kulturrådet, Norway
2018   Prosjektstøtte, Billedkunstnernes vederlagsfond; Internasjonal kunst- og kulturutveksling, Bergen Kommune, Norway
2017   Profesjonelle kunst- og kulturtiltak, Tverrfaglig prosjekt, Bergen Kommune, Norway
2017   Utstillingsstøtte til kunstnere i etableringsfasen, Kulturrådet, Norway
2017   Diversestipend for Graduate Artists, Kulturrådet Norway; Etableringsstipend, Bergen Kommune, Norway
2017   USF graduate studio 2017/2018, UiB KMD, Bergen, Norway
2016   Production Grant, Travel Grant, Canada Council for the Arts
2014   Production Grant, Canada Council for the Arts; Composer’s Residency Grant, SOCAN; Travel Grants, CCA + CALQ
2013   Research and Creation Grant, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ)

other professional experience
2016   Assistant to Joe Davis for Det nye Eden, Sølvberget Galleri, Stavanger, Norway
2016   Guest instructor, Darsha Hewitt’s Sensing Space with Sound class, Bauhaus, Weimar, Germany
2015 – 2017   KHiB Masters Seminar Coordinator, Bergen, Norway
2015   Canada Council for the Arts, Peer Assessor for the New Music program, Ottawa, Canada