
Regnbuens Dimensjoner

permanent public sculpture for Midtun skole / Bergen kommune, Norway
curator: Espen Johansen

Regnbuens Dimensjoner is a large-scale rope and paracord sculpture that hangs in the triangular atrium of Midtun primary school’s new wing in Bergen, Norway. Rainbows are a key element of the school’s visual identity, featured in a school emblem and many of the children’s artworks. The school was built in the early 1920s, around the time Einstein’s theory of special relativity was first accepted by the physics community, sparking a revolution in our understanding of reality.

The dimensions of a rainbow are impossible to measure in the conventional sense. The rainbow is elusive, appearing, disappearing, always intangible and beyond. It is also totally pervasive, forming the foundation of our science, allowing us to analyze the elements of distant stars and tiny crystals alike via spectroscopy. It is neither here nor there, but spiraling in between, perhaps also through higher dimensions.

Erin Sexton, 2020