sound performance

phase space
a/v performance

Situated between alchemical ritual and lab experiment, this audio/visual performance explores human perception in relation to the time-scale of nature, creating an embodied experience of the space where liquid, crystal, electricity, and flesh coincide.


elementary structures
a site/sound performance in collaboration with magali babin, for the fountain house by raumlabor berlin

In this sound performance the artists played The Fountain House as a great instrument, inviting the public to listen, participate, and explore. Falling water, resonant wood, and electronic æther were sonified with microphones and electronics.  Rippling textures are diffused over multiple speakers and the structure produces sound through physical feedback.  Gesture and presence resonate with materials, creating a tactile experience that activates space and amplifies the everyday.


space II (with darsha hewitt’s electrostatic bell choir)

a series of site specific sound performances by Erin Sexton, solo or collaborative, which activate space with hand-held oscillators and interventionist amplification, exploring the physicality of sound through acoustics, enclosure, threshold, and movement. Presented as part of exhibition Volume: Hear Here, curated by Christof Migone, Blackwood Gallery, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

click for more information on ‘Electrostatic Bell Choir’ installation by Darsha Hewitt

*binaural recording: sounds fine on speakers, but best listened to with headphones*


sound performance

Piezo discs are put into direct contact with the various components of speaker diaphragms, exploring the materiality and physics of the loudspeaker-mic feedback loop. The slightest movement alters the sound completely, requiring control and patience to generate a range of sounds from bouncy percussive clicks to massive bass drones.  Immediate, minimal, and direct, Sexton seeks to draw us through immediacy into the beyond, stripping processes down to reveal the endless levels of complexity within.


other dimensions
site specific sound performance series

Inspired by theoretical physics, I aim to create an intensely embodied and expansive experience of the spatial dimensions of a room through sound. Utilizing hand held oscillators I move throughout the space, searching for resonance, activating zones of phase and interference.  With contact mics I amplify plinths or other objects in the room, creating feedback and modulating it by moving them around.  With simple radios, electromagnetic fields and distorted broadcasts are received and modified by touch, transforming exposed pipes into large-scale antennas, my body part of the circuit.


sound performance/improvisation