phase space, erin sexton, 2013 from Perte de Signal on Vimeo.
a/v performance with crystals, salt, water, magnetic stirring hotplate, custom electronics, and microscope video
presented at the sight + sound festival, eastern bloc, montreal, 2013
crystalline domain, installation, erin sexton, 2014 from erin sexton on Vimeo.
sight + sound festival / BIAN, Eastern Bloc, 2014
electrochemical sound improvisation (studio test), erin sexton, 2014 from Erin Sexton on Vimeo.
test with CMOS oscillators, temperature, touch, and electrolysis probes, dry ice
crystalline domain, erin sexton, 2013 from Perte de Signal on Vimeo.
demo for crystalline domain a/v installation series, 2013
feature article in musicworks magazine (CA), summer 2014: