Jump Point
Rom 61, Bergen, Norway
installation view, with Portal, glow tape
video documentation with MacGyver in Space (excerpt), song by Øyvind Ask time-stretched by 720%, transmitted live from Bergen Kringkaster on 1314 kHz AM / 93.8 MHz FM during exhibition, voice by Øystein Ask
Host, paracord, foam, wood, mylar
Expedition, carbon, textile, foam, found objects
Staving (detail), textile, borax crystals, mylar, wood, rope
Pentachoron II, paracord, steel
photos: Rasmus Hungnes
Tusen takk: KMD, USF, Kulturrådet, Bergen Kringkaster, Øystein Ask, Øyvind Ask, Rasmus Hungnes, Dan Brown Brølund, Kirsti van Hoegee